Evangelical Baptist Church |
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"God is a spirit; and they who worship him must worship him in spirit and truth." John 4:24
What we believe about Jesus Christ We believe Jesus Christ was supernaturally conceived of the Holy Spirit in the womb of the Virgin Mary, according to Gabliel's annunciation. Before he made His incarnation He was coeternal with the Father and the Holy Spirit and all things were made by Him, and without Him was not anything made that was made. He was God blessed for ever, and for our salvation became man. Paul calls this the great mystery of godliness: «God was manifest in the flesh...» We cannot bisect Christ and decide to what percentage He was God and to what He was man. The Scriptures tell us He was the Son of God Who in order to save man became the Son of man too. As the Son of God He brought God to man and as the Son of man brings man to God. At the Cross He shed His sinless blood to redeem mankind. «He came unto His own, and His own received Him not, but as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name»(John 1:11,12). Now He is seated at the right hand of God and makes intercession for us. He is coming back in power and glory, at the Rapture for the believers and then at the Revelation with the believers, to judge the unbelieving world and establish His millennial Kingdom, which will be the last stage of the visible Kingdom of Heaven, at whose end the devil will be definitely and irrevocably bound and cast into the lake of fire, and the Kingdom of God will be ushered in the new Heaven and the new Earth! |
"The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork." Psalms 19:1
Evangelical Baptist Church - 42 Kapodistriou St. - Athens |